Hi there, welcome to our page.
I’m Debbie Vermaak, and I’m happy to share our story with you. Growing up in Ellisras, South Africa, I was surrounded by the beauty of nature and the thrill of the hunt. Weekends, School holidays and Christmas times we’ve spend on the family farm a few miles South from town with my grandfather. He not only planted corn, quinces and peanuts, had his own full functional dairy from which he supplied the town of fresh milk, but he was a wise and experienced hunter as well.
He taught me the importance of respecting and preserving the natural world. Going for a swim in the river, Sourcing clay on the Malemane riverbanks, testing our “clay-lat” throwing skills, Crafting clay oxen by hand, learning how to milk a cow and going for a hunt with grandpa was some of the many adventures we went on. I believe my love for the bush and African Game developed because of these experiences growing up.